A museum enables people to explore specific collections, artistic and cultural, for inspiration, learning and enjoyment. A museum will collect artefacts and specimens demonstrating the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity. We seek to convey your sense of the special nature and importance of Deep Listening Training though images, poetry and writings. One such is the following poem by Mary Branley.
Beyond Words
Yes, I listen to whatever makes you talk
or stop what you are doing.
I listen in my silent heart
to the gaps in sound
as you breathe out
and before you reach
for breath again.
Sometimes the only place
we can agree
is beyond words.
Extract from a poem written after attending Deep Listening Training in Ireland.
© 2009 Mary Branley
We are creating a museum of Deep Listening. Please send us any thoughts, short writings, poems, images or photos about your Deep Listening experiences to Kevin at email: